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Meet your Team of Certified Experts


Dr. Sarah Al-Bahiti

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After having some health issues and struggling with weight for the past 14 years, Dr. Sarah has found the lifestyle she had wished for. During her self-development journey and various workshops on the power of the human mind, she came across WildFit. A program that has helped her regain confidence and take responsibility of her own health. This powerful and impactful program has inspired her to become a certified health coach to satisfy her desire to help as many people as she can, just like WildFit has helped thousands of people around the world. Sarah's goal is to empower people to improve their quality of life and to impact the community positively.

On a professional level, Sarah is one of the first Saudi female biomedical engineers and a medical physicist in the country with over 20 years of experience in the healthcare and education sectors. She is the founder and deputy secretary general of ArabSafe (, an initiative that aims to impact the current diagnostic imaging practice, support self-regulation, increase awareness of radiation safety of patient, workers, and the public and promote a radiation safe culture. 

As an Associate Professor she continues to teach students in the medical field about the physics of medical imaging and radiation protection. She also volunteers to work at a national level to improve safety in diagnostic imaging. Dr. Sarah has a strong passion to lead the change and to improve the health sector in Saudi Arabia and to develop young Saudi talents through her long experience as a faculty member and a lecturer. 

As a certified heath coach, Sarah fulfills her passion by helping people go beyond their limits and control their lives. She believes that we all deserve to live a healthy, happy and fit life that is created through wise daily choices.


Dr. Mawya Khafaji

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As part of her original career in medical physics both as an academic and health care provider, Mawya was involved in teaching, mentoring and assessing future physicians. She is always known to have the energy to care and the passion to create and lead projects in needed communities and the dedication to sustain work. Mawya obtained her PhD from university of Exeter in the UK, where she was volunteering to run the Saudi school in Exeter as a headteacher. When she came back she was part of varies social and volunteering communities and lead a team of doctors upon the floods in Jeddah in 2009 and 2011.


In 2011 Mawya founded the Volunteering Office at the hospital she works in, as of today she is leading 16 projects and more than 500 volunteers, and they have completed over 250 thousand hours in the hospital to create the change to the better. 


She was nominated in 2017 as one the 100 most influential women in Saudi Arabia, in 2019 she was awarded first place for King Abdulaziz University award “ أنفعهم بعلمه “ as the most academic member conducting training workshops for both staff and students. In 2020 she received the social impact award of the British council for British alumni in Saudi Arabia.


In 2018 Mawya was introduced to WildFit through a friend, In July 2018 she underwent her 90 days challenge, her success story in completing the 90 days challenge, losing of the weight, and obtaining food freedom in addition her passion to help others create a long-lasting change motivated her to become a Wildfit certified coach, In Nov 2019 she obtained the certificate.  Mawya is a certified train of the trainer and train the training for thinking.


Noor Balfaqeeh

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Noor's upbringing influenced her choice of career and passion. As a purpose-driven person, she finds meaning in everything she does and turn it into the fuel that keeps her moving.

The qualities that were deeply embedded in her for helping and serving others came to good use when she became a certified consultant of Birkman psychometric assessment and a WildFit certified coach.

Since February 2018, Wildfit has changed Noor’s life significantly. It impacted her life positively not only her physical wellbeing but also her mental and emotional wellbeing as well. This made her want to become a WildFit coach to bring this level of awareness to more people and help them navigate life peacefully and successfully.

She has long experience in Communication and Public Relations in both public and private sectors. Her career in public relations and communications started in 2007 at Effat University then at Unilever where she spent 5 years looking after communication and sustainable business. Then she held leadership roles in public sector between 2018 and 2020. She also got engaged in translation projects to help bring the knowledge of human development to the Arab World.

Noor is Saudi, married and a mother of four children. She loves reading, diving, traveling and is interested in the field of development in all aspects of life mainly resilience and wellbeing. She earned her bachelor’s degree from King Abdul Aziz University then obtained a master’s degree in translation from the University of Birmingham.

Her journey of self-exploration started in 2011 and paved the way for many positive changes in her life on professional, personal, social and spiritual levels. She is a resilient person who is filled with peace and love for everyone and everything.

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Amani Salah

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Amani Salah has an impressive collection of varied experiences. She is a researcher in social and human sciences, a certified coach, certified meditation teacher, access consciousness, and a certified practitioner of laughter yoga. Amani is also a Certified Practitioner of Thought Field Therapy, EBT Technique, MBTI, Bayer Personality Type Index, among other certifications and credentials and positive psychology coach... But these are just studies that have added a lot to her heart and mind.

Amani is a spirit that is completely similar to yours. She believes we are all created by the Creator; even though our circumstances and stories differ we all meet the light of God.

She worked with children with special needs for 11 years, which made her grateful, and armed her with strong experience in dealing with the difficulties and challenges facing children and their families. Amani worked for 7 years in the retail sector responsible for training in the western, central, and eastern regions. She is currently working as a trainer and consultant in awareness and self-development after studying in this field for over ten years from 2010.

With the death of her beloved father, her life took another path in which she got acquainted with another type of science that advances human feelings. She tried these methods and worked with passion and perseverance. She decided to teach people what she learned and provide them with support to reach their wonderful truth and unlock their hidden treasure.

Amani offers advice to help you rediscover your truth and inner beauty with simple techniques, and all you have to do is trust in God and be sincere in your intention to change.
You have a new choice every 10 seconds, so choose the version you want to become from now.

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