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 Healthy Fruit Salad

Living WildFit


A monthly program designed to help you stay connected, informed and on track. Get the tools you need to maintain and enhance your WILDFIT transformation while improving your overall quality of life.

What is Living WildFit?

  • Living WildFit is a 30-day program for WildFit alumni.


  • Help participants live wildfit lifestyle while reducing fat and enjoy ingesting high energy and vitality.


  • It provides knowledge, guidance and collective support to gain the confidence to live WildFit principles.

Image by Sincerely Media
How it Works...

Food Psychology

Food psychology education, which helps participants to continue and adhere to wildfit lifestyle regardless of challenges and temptations


A guide to the best way to design the proportion of the season to achieve the goals you want.


5 Coaching sessions

Book your Interest to Join 

Join the Living WildFit 30 day program  and get the most health benefits for you
Image by William Iven
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